

Temperaments in a Waldorf School

The four temperaments are utilized in Waldorf schools to guide the instruction of each child. Accurately diagnosing these temperaments fosters trust between the teacher and student and between the teacher and the entire class. Teachers frequently arrange seating based on temperaments, grouping students with similar

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Waldorf Education and Biodynamic Farming: Kindred Philosophies

Rudolf Steiner, the visionary behind Waldorf education, also laid the foundations for the biodynamic agriculture system. Both approaches share an ecological, ethical, and holistic philosophy that extends to farming, gardening, nutrition, and education. Social responsibility is a common thread woven into the fabric of Waldorf

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Waldorf Approaches Artificial Intelligence with a Human Heart

In the Age of the ‘Digital Revolution,’ Waldorf education continues to uphold core human values relatedto human development. As technologies rapidly advance and the world undergoes realignments ingovernance, education, and economy, the enduring question of what it truly means to be human remainscrucial. At the

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The Waldorf Math with a Difference

There is a deep human need to understand, explain and predict the natural world. Math is the system that allows us to do that. Few children today really don’t understand math – why it works and how it is connected to the real world. Since

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Teaching students about money

The Covid-19 pandemic really highlighted how financially troubled our society is. Debt levels are extremely high, bankruptcies are commonplace and many families are living paycheque to paycheque. Today’s adults are suffering and may be setting the next generation up for trouble, as well. Tackling the

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